
La Forêt Française en Ébullition book launch at Casa Franca
La Forêt Française en Ébullition book launch at Casa Franca Written by a group of students at the IPJ-Dauphine | PSL School of Journalism, under the guidance of Anne Tezenas, La Forêt Française en Ébullition is an in-depth look at the issues facing French forests, on the front line of the current ecological crisis. Paris […]

LA MAGMA #2: Let’s celebrate our battles!
LA MAGMA #2: Let’s celebrate our battles! For its second edition, supported by the Greeline Foundation, on May 26, 2024, the Magma once again brought together artists, dancers, musicians and rappers in the streets of Paris. In 2023, they came together to express their inner energy: You can’t stop a dancing nation. This year, they […]

VICTORY IN JUZAN: 22 hectares of forest protected!
VICTORY IN JUZAN: 22 hectares of forest protected! Following a day of citizen action on April 20 supported by Greenline Foundation, the mayor of Anglet pledged to protect the 22 hectares of the Juzan forest. At the initiative of Greenline Foundation, the activist dance collective Minuit 12 invited Anglet residents to take part in their […]

CASA FRANCA: opening of Greenline Foundation headquarters
CASA FRANCA: opening of Greenline Foundation headquarters Greenline Foundation’s headquarters, Casa Franca, is a responsible building that serves as a political and poetic manifesto initiated by Sarah Valente, artist and founder of Greenline Foundation, and built by Déchelette Architecture firm. This 6-year project opened its doors for the first time on March 20, 2024. House […]

Launch of the “Forêt, vert fragile” exhibition
Greenline Foundation is proud to present the exhibition “Forêt, Vert Fragile”, in co-production with Forest Art Project at the Bibliothèque Alcazar in Marseille. Curated by Paul Ardenne, the exhibition brings together the arts and sciences to take visitors on a journey through forest ecosystems.

LA MAGMA : First artistic march for the climate
On 11 June, artists and a public of creative souls were invited to take up the forms of citizen mobilisation to express their commitment to the living world in the streets of Paris. Greenline Foundation, Collectif Minuit 12 and Le Bruit Qui Court co-organised this first artistic walk for the climate, which drew nearly 1,000 people.

Poush Cultural Center
Greenline Foundation and POUSH have joined forces to build an agenda and a curation system that integrates the objective of raising awareness of the preservation of forests and our environment.

Nuit Blanche 2023 : Le Trapèze des Ames
GLF and LAO bring you the Trapèze des Ames, an immersive open-air experience that lets you discover the sparkling vegetation of the Buttes Chaumont park.

LA MAGMA: 1st artistic walk for climate and social justice, June 11, 2023 in Paris.