Olissopolis – Détail – Eugénia MUSSA

The World-Tree exhibition

The World Tree is a traveling exhibition that aims to educate the public about the world of forests and their legends.

Le Pouvoir – Déatil – Inès LONGEVIAL

The ambition of this exhibition is to conquer the public with major multidisciplinary works. We aim to shine a light on the mobilizing power of art for artists and spectators alike.

The selected works are accompanied by explanatory texts produced by scientists and personalities linked to the world of forests and conservation. Thus, each work of art becomes a key to understand the forests and their ecosystems and their inhabitants.

The first edition of this exhibition will take place in Paris in 2023. It will then travel across France, Europe and the rest of the world.

This exhibition showcases the Greenline Collection, which today brings together 100 works by 50 contemporary artists including international names such as Solange Pessoa, Eva Jospin, Noémie Goudal and Vincent Laval.

Nocturne 50 – Détail – Gaël GAVRINCHE
Grotte – Détail – Eva JOSPIN

With each iteration of this exhibition, the selection of works and collaborations will reflect the Foundation’s dialogue with the various institutions and entities involved in the project. Each exhibition is enriched by new dialogues proposed by the works in the collection, as well as site- specific installations that engage with wider issues of ecology and conservation.

The exhibition also features:

  • A series of conferences and round-tables on major themes related to the forest: primary forests, cultural ecology, adaptation to climate change, etc.
  • Educational workshops for children and schools
  • Site-specific installations by artists local to the site of each exhibition
  • Immersive forest experiences through virtual reality, amplified thanks to additional digital content provided by the Virtual Forest Museum.

Whispering Stone – Détail – Théo MERCIER