Field projects
Greenline Foundation (GLF) preserves existing forests and rewilds damaged areas, notably by planting trees or buying up plots of land. In the long term, GLF aims to finance projects on all five continents. By the end of 2022-2023, the fund will support two projects led by Cœur de forêt and Envol Vert, respectively in Madagascar and Peru.
While GLF’s mission focuses on forest ecosystems, we are also particularly attentive to the overall coherence of projects. The social aspect and the consideration given to local populations are key criteria for assessing the validity and solidity of our support. Similarly, we are sensitive to the monitoring and evaluation process that underpins the conduct of projects.
In this respect, GLF is participating in a working group organized by the all4trees network to develop a framework for assessing the impact of forestry projects.
MASOALA (Madagascar)
conducted by Coeur de Forêt

Madagascar is an essential biodiversity hot spot. Yet the territory is endangered by the various pressures on forest ecosystems, particularly by subsistence farming practices. In this context, the association Coeur de Forêt restores damaged areas and tries to implement sustainable good practices in the long term.
With the financial support of GLF, Coeur de forêt will plant 160,000 trees while respecting biodiversity, endemism and the general balance of the environment. It will continue its forestry and fauna diagnosis and will conduct various awareness and training actions with local populations.
To learn more about the conduct of the project and its history, you can visit the dedicated page of the project leader:
The Conservation Concession
Yanayacu-Maquia (Peru)
conducted by Envol Vert
The Peruvian state has entrusted the management of more than 38,000 hectares of forests to the local association Amazon Biodiversity / Conservación Amazonica. Envol Vert has been working alongside it since 2019 to make this preservation effective, to restore degraded areas and to reduce the pressures on these environments.
Thanks to GLF’s support, Envol Vert will plant trees and conduct DNA analysis of the environment to be able to co-construct a sustainable management plan. The association will develop sustainable and responsible skills with populations whose survival is linked to forest resources. Finally, Envol Vert will organize a festival in Lima: Sumate al Bosque, to raise awareness among the general public about the challenges of South American forests.
To learn more about the conduct of the project and its history, you can visit the dedicated page of the project leader:


Greenline Foundation is working this year to implement its first plot buyout. It is not a matter of GLF giving in to the illusory and counterproductive temptation of placing the land in a cocoon, but rather of considering sustainable and responsible management of these environments that are under constant pressure.
GLF will ensure sustainable and reasoned management of this parcel by integrating the stakeholders.
The first acquisitions of plots of land will be linked to the Le Féral project in the Limousin region. This project combines GLF’s two core values: raising awareness through art and preserving forests.